Saturday, June 2, 2007

A deduction, mistakes corrected, a beverage, and a song list

(originally posted on realgm)

Let's put together some recent tidbits and see what happens:

*Yi is skipping physicals in order to "control the process."

What does this mean?: It means Yi definitely wants to influence where he ends up. That in turn means he's going to refuse workouts with certain teams.

*Horford measured plenty big. Surprise surprise, for me anyway. That's great news, because it either means he'll be taken before the Celtics or be worthy of their 5th pick.

*Atlanta is rumored to love Brandan Wright.

***What it all might add up to is this:
Atlanta: B. Wright
Memphis: Horford (or maybe Brewer)
Boston: Yi.

Other items of interest, or perhaps of no interest:

*Not only was I mistaken about Horford's size, but also Cleveland's chances. LeBron is still younger than Bird was during his rookie year. It's pretty scary to think what Cleveland will be when he gets some talent around him.
The situation reminds me of very young Michael Jordan who played with these other starters when he scored 63 against Boston in the playoffs:
Dave Corzine
Orlando Woolridge
rookie Charles Oakley
Kyle Macy

*Bourbon update: I finally finished my bottle of Knob Creek, and tried Evan Williams Kentucky Straight Sour Mash Bourbon Whiskey- and let me testify I like it even better. Funny thing is, it costs way less. But it is a finely distilled, 7 year aged bourbon, that is delightful to both the discerning palate and inner spirit. Four stars!

*Donovan signs with Orlando for a boatload of simoleons.

Donovan is to be lauded. Not only did he win two consecutive national championships, but he's also the greatest Scottish folk singer ever.

Here are my five favorite Donovan songs:
1) Sunshine Superman
2) Atlantis
3) To Susan On The West Coast Waiting
4) Please Don't Bend
5) The Trip

I don't know how anyone has time to recruit, coach, and write so many great songs too. Amazing.

*Watch and see where Yi works out and where he refuses to go, that will tell a lot.

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